AB2398 is
the first mandatory carpet stewardship program in the country. As an extended producer responsibility program (EPR), the
bill requires all manufacturers of carpet sold in California to 1) register with CARE, 2) assess a
fee to their customers of an additional 5-cents per square yard of carpet
purchased, and 3) design and implement a stewardship program using the
collected funds.
At the bill’s inception CARE was
elected by the industry to be the umbrella Carpet Stewardship Organization to
all manufacturers. Accordingly CARE was
tasked with the preparation and implementation of a Carpet Stewardship Plan
that would appropriately and effectively address the bill’s goal in its
critical early years; namely, to increase the diversion and recycling of post-consumer
carpet in the state of California.
Since AB2398 was and still is the first legislation
of its kind, CARE has had the exciting opportunity and challenge of developing an
implementation plan from scratch. One of the key thoughts behind AB2398 was
that the best way to encourage carpet recycling would be to maximize the outlets
for PCC, essentially increasing the diversion of carpet from landfills by working from market-based solutions
AB2398’s focus on incentives is unlike
other extended producer responsibility programs. Specifically the existing
Carpet Stewardship Plan (conditionally approved by CalRecycle in January 2012) pays
processors 6 cents for every pound of Type-1 product (high value) sold and
shipped and 3 cents for every pound of Type-2 (low value).
Since the Carpet Stewardship Plan went
into action in July of 2011 CARE has worked with 80 registered manufacturers
and 11 registered processors to divert roughly 210 million pounds of
post-consumer carpet from landfills and increase recycling output from 8% to over
15% in Q2 2013. Furthermore, greater than 90% of all recycled output is high
value material. That said, while the plan
has led to substantial success, there is recognized room for improvements.
Recycled Output by Type as a Percent of
![]() |
Annual Report to CalRecycle, July 2013
In the past months CARE submitted both
a revised Carpet Stewardship Plan and an Annual Report to CalRecycle and
various public/stakeholder meetings were held to review their content. While
CalRecycle acknowledged the significant recent Plan modifications highlighted
in the Annual Report, statute only allows Staff to rule on the actual Plan
content. At the most recent meeting this
past Tuesday, August 20th, CalRecycle specifically organized their
concerns into seven principle issues: goals and baseline, market incentives,
amounts of funds in reserve, financial assurance, consumer convenience in rural
counties, California staff and accounting and auditing standards.
Staff acknowledged that many of these issues have
been addressed in the recent Plan’s incentives and CARE has been given sixty days to address
Staff’s concerns and produce a revised Plan. Some of the key points CalRecycle
would like to see CARE focus on are:
More clarity in how
the sales-based formula for determining diversion and recycling rates is
calculated, with strong emphasis on the collection of more transparent and
reliable data
Higher diversion goals
that better demonstrate ‘continuous and meaningful progress’ in PCC recycling
Greater emphasis on
the education of both carpet installers and consumers about AB2398 and carpet
recycling in general
A detailed job
description of the new California-based staff member, with specific focus on
how their role will help to further the success of AB2398
How market
incentives, such as the proposed 12-cents per pound incentive for development
of non-nylon market, are expected to work
How unused funds will
be allocated, with the recommendation that they remain no greater than 35% of
annual operating cost
How to prevent
adverse consequences to human health or the environment in the case that a
recycler is forced by the market to close their operation
Details of how the rural
county collection program was implemented and a plan for its expansion
CARE deeply appreciates this feedback
and is actively working on adding language to the Carpet Stewardship Plan that
will respond and resolve these reasonable concerns in a timely manner. In
the end, considering California has several cities, large and small, that have
declared goals of zero waste by 2020, AB2398 can help play a major role in
helping to accomplish this objective.
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